Monday, September 30, 2013

Group Presentation: Technology In Our Society

We are going to create presentations similar to PowerPoint using Google Drive.
Save your information frequently while you research for your technology on the internet.
You must include a minimum of 3 pictures in your presentation.
You must title your presentation.
You must include at least 1 video linked into your presentation.
Once you are done you are going to email it as an attachment
Your presentation must have a minimum of 8 slides.  

Effects of iPad (touch screen devices) on children - Montserrat & Nohemi.

The Human Genome Project’s goal

Using Khan Academy in the classroom

The future of the World Wide Web

How has iTunes affected the music and movie industry

What is your “digital footprint?” and what does it mean? - Hao & Ximena

Can we reach Artificial Intelligence? Is that a good thing? - (Andres, Ricardo, and Sebastian.) (Natalia, Sofia, and Maria Jose)

How have search engines changed our daily lives?

Has Google become too big and powerful? What are future projects at Google? - Romina & Velimar

Is Facebook making us less social? - Camila & Melissa

Technology In Cars - Santiago & Hector

  • How has technology affected our lives?
  • Explain what the problem is.
  • Are there two sides to your argument?
  • Make it neat.
  • Make it interesting.
  • Spell check
  • Do research
  • Include a video and at least 3 images

  • At least 8 slides.
  • Must include resources page

Rubric for Multimedia Presentation - PowerPoint

Content - Writing
 All material is in publishable form; that is, it is thoroughly proof-read and without careless errors. 
 All your information is well researched, well written, well organized and in your own voice.
 All flaws pointed out by the instructor and/or peer advisors in drafts have been corrected.
 Material shows strong understanding of major ideas and displays critical thinking in placement of text, sequencing of pages, and page composition.
 Presentation has a title page.
 Presentation has a source page.

Content - Technical
 The presentation includes a minimum of 7 slides.
The presentation includes at least 3 images.
 The presentation has a professional look with an overall graphical theme that appeals to the audience, compliments the information, and each slide is visually neat incorporating a variety of layouts.
 Student uses correct number of graphics that communicate and compliment information being shared.
 The presentation visually depicts material and appeals to audience.

 Did you use a different form to communicate to the group during your presentation other than simply screen reading?
 You used each slide as lead into the wealth of additional information you have on the topic.
 You maintained eye contact with group and modulated your voice in addition to your visual on-screen sharing.
 At conclusion of your sharing you checked for understanding via questions or oral quiz, etc.
 You utilized your allotted time effectively.

Technical Organization
 Followed all directions.
  Correctly titled presentation.
 An electronic form of your presentation has been emailed to the professor.
Total Points = 100
Content Writing 40
Content Technical 33
Communication 15
Technical Organization 12

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