Friday, August 30, 2013

Review Exam 1

For the first exam you must be familiar with the terms and information found in Mr. Fierro's blog posts:

Introducing Computer Systems

Parts of a Computer System

Do you agree with the speaker's view that young adults' minds are being "digitally rewired"? Explain your answer.

Why does the narrator in the video argue that young people dislike a single-function device such as a wristwatch?

Why did Sir Tim Berner's Lee decide to make the World Wide Web free when he created it at CERN?

Why is it important to link information using the World Wide Web? What are the benefits of having instant access to information?

Name 3 input devices and 3 output devices. Examples: Output - Printer, speakers, headphones. Input - Keyboard, Mouse, digital camera.

Know the units of measure for computer memory and storage. 

  • Kilobyte (KB)
  • Megabyte (Mb)
  • Gigabyte (GB)
  • Terabyte (TB)

For today's assignment you will have to define all of these terms using the World Wide Web as a tool.

The difference between analog and digital:

Random Access Memory (RAM) -

Read-Only Memory (ROM) -

World Wide Web –

Data (computer) – 

Program - 

Hypertext – 

Hardware – 

Software – 

Title (resource) – 

Creator (resource) – 

Subject (resource) -

Publisher (resource) -

Contributor (webpage) –

Format (resource) -

MP3 – 


Database - 

Desktop - 


Home page - 

Keyword - 

Password - 

Paste - 

Search Engines - 

URL Address 
User name - 

File format –

Hacker -

Keyboard -

Retrieve (document) -

Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Assignment 4 - Response

Respond to at least 4 of your classmates' blog responses for Assignment 4.

Each of your responses must be at least 3 sentences each.

The 4 responses do not have to be a response to 4 different classmates. 

(Any response to any blog post *even a reply to a classmate who responded to your blog post* for Assignment 4 will count as 1 response, as long as it is at least 3 sentences long)

Your classmates' Blogger URL addresses are:

Once you are done with your assignment. View this video on Google futuristic maps and create a Blogger post with the same title answering the following question in at least 3 paragraphs.

Question: How do the creators of Google Maps believe their product is going to affect our lives in the future? Explain and give examples of your reasoning.

Monday, August 26, 2013

Assignment 4

View the animate video Are you past oriented or future oriented. 

In at least 3-5 sentences answer the following questions.

1. Discuss what the main idea of the video is?

2. Do you see yourself as past oriented or future oriented? Why?

3. Do you agree or disagree with the speaker in the video? Explain why?

4. Do you agree with the speaker's view that young adults' minds are being "digitally rewired"? Explain your answer.

5. Why does the narrator in the video argue that young people dislike a single-function device such as a wristwatch? 

View this video on the creator of the World Wide Web, Sir Tim Berner's Lee.

In at least 3-5 sentences answer the following questions.

1. Why did Sir Tim Berner's Lee decide to make the World Wide Web free when he created it at CERN?

2. What are the benefits of having "web addresses," an idea that Sir Tim Berner's Lee created?

3. How does the World Wide Web allow people from all over the world to communicate?

4. Why is it important to link information? What are the benefits of having instant access to information?

Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Assignment 3

You are going to create a visual representation using Google Drive to create a new presentation.
The presentation is going to be on the Information Processing Cycle of a computer.
You MUST have an IMAGE on each slide.

It must be at least 5 slides long.

1. Explain what the information processing cycle is.
2. Input    (Explain this part of the cycle and give an example in your own words)
3. Processing    (Explain this part of the cycle and give an example in your own words)
4. Output    (Explain this part of the cycle and give an example in your own words)
5. Storage    (Explain this part of the cycle and give an example in your own words)

Follow these instructions once you are done with your visual representation.

Click on VIEW then HTML VIEW
You will copy and paste that URL link on your Blogger Assignment 3.
If you don't know how to link using Blogger then click here.
Your text to display must be THE INFORMATION PROCESSING CYCLE

Make sure to publish Assignment 3 when you are done.

Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Assignment 2

Questions 1,2,9, and 10 should be answered in 3-5 sentences. 

1. What are the pros and cons of using Google Drive to complete a project like the one you just did for your Technology Presentation.

2. What did you learn about your technology that you didn't know before? Explain.

3. Create a test question using the information you researched from your project. You must come up with a question and at least 4 responses or answers to choose from. 



4. What does URL stand for?

5. What is the URL for Mr. Fierro's Blogger?

6. What is your URL for your Blogger created for Principles of Technology class?

7. Using the notes from the Parts of a Computer System, identify and define the four parts of a complete computer system.

8. Name 3 input devices and 3 output devices.

9. Write about the most interesting software you have ever used on a computer. Explain why it was your favorite or what you liked about the software you have chosen to write about.

10. Why do you think important technology corporations like Apple, Microsoft, and Sony create new versions of their product often? Think about why every few months to a year a new iPad or iPhone is released... Explain.

11. For question 10 you will research on the World Wide Web. What are the units of measure for a computer memory storage? Fill in this table with your answers. Must fill in unit abbreviation, and approximate value.

Approximate Value (bytes)

1,000,000,000,000 (1 trillion)

The Parts of a Computer System

Computers come in many varieties, from the tiny computers built into household appliances, to the astounding supercomputers that have helped scientists map the human genome. But no matter how big it is or how it is used, every computer is part of a system.

A complete computer system consists of four parts:
  • Hardward
  • Software
  • Data
  • User
Hardware - Any part of the computer you can touch. A computer's hardware consists of interconnected electronic devices that you can use to control the computer's operation, input, and output. (The everyday term device refers to any piece of hardware.)

Software - A set of instructions that makes the computer perform tasks. In other words , software tells the computer what to do. (The term program refers to any piece of software.) Some programs exist primarily for the computer's use to help it perform tasks and manage its own resources. Other types of programs exist for the user, enabling him or her to perform tasks such as creating documents.

Data - consist of individual facts or pieces of information that by themselves may not make much sense to a person. A computer's primary job is to process these tiny pieces of data in various ways, converting them into useful information.

Users - People are the computer operators, also known as users.

The Information Processing Cycle - a set of steps the computer follows to receive data, process the data according to instructions from a program, display the resulting information to the user, and store the results.

The information processing cycle has four parts, and each part involves one or more specific components of the computer:

Input - During this part of the cycle, the computer accepts data from some source, such as the user or a program, for processing.

Processing - During this part of the cycle, the computer's processing components perform actions on the data, based on instructions from the user or a program.

Output - Here, the computer may be required to display the results of its processing. For example, the results may appear as text, numbers, or a graphic on the computer's screen or as sounds from its speaker.

Storage - In this step, the computer permanently stores the results of its processing on a disk, USB, or some other kind of storage medium.


           A computer's hardware devices fall into one of four categories.
  1. Processor
  2. Memory
  3. Input and output
  4. Storage
Processing devices: The procedure that transforms raw data into useful information is called processing. To perform this transformation, the computer uses two components the processor and memory. The processor is like the brain of the computer, it organizes and carries out instructions that come from either the user or software. Term central processing unit (CPU) refers to a computer's processor.

Memory devices: In a computer, memory is one or more sets of chips that store data and/or program instructions, either temporarily or permanently. The most common type of memory is called random access memory (RAM). RAM is like an electronic scratch pad inside the computer. RAM holds data and program instructions while the CPU works with them.

Input and Output Devices: A personal computer would be useless if you could not interact with it because the machine could not receive instructions or deliver the results of its work. Input devices accept data and instructions from the user or from another computer system (such as a computer or the Internet). Output devices return processed data to the user or to another computer system. The most common input device is the keyboard, which accepts letters, numbers, and commands from the user. The function or an output device is to present processed data to the user. The most common output devices are the monitor and the printer.

Storage: A computer can function with only processing, memory, input, and output devices. To be really useful, however, a computer also needs a place to keep program files and related data when they are not in use. The purpose of storage is to hold data permanently, even when the computer is turned off.

Friday, August 9, 2013

Technology Presentation (Google Drive)

We are going to create presentations similar to PowerPoint using Google Drive.
Save your information frequently while you research for your technology on the internet.
You must include a minimum of 3 pictures in your presentation.
You must title your presentation.
Once you are done you are going to email it as an attachment to
Your presentation must have a minimum of 7 slides. 
Next week you are going to present your presentation to the class.

iPad Mini
Samsung Galaxy S4
Windows 8
PlayStation 3
World Wide Web

Slide 1 - Introduction (Name of presenters and title of presentation)

Slide 2 - Brief history of your technology

Slide 3 - Technologies main purpose (what is it used for/ what does it do?)

Slide 4 - Interesting facts or information about your technology

Slide 5 - What industry is it used in and why? (examples: Schools, Medical, Commercial Sales)

Slide 6 - What does the future look like for your technology? (Will it still be around in 10 years? Why or why not?)

Slide 7 - Resources (Must copy and paste your resources on slide 6)

Rubric for Multimedia Presentation - PowerPoint

Content - Writing
 All material is in publishable form; that is, it is thoroughly proof-read and without careless errors. 
 All your information is well researched, well written, well organized and in your own voice.
 All flaws pointed out by the instructor and/or peer advisors in drafts have been corrected.
 Material shows strong understanding of major ideas and displays critical thinking in placement of text, sequencing of pages, and page composition.
 Presentation has a title page.
 Presentation has a source page.

Content - Technical
 The presentation includes a minimum of 7 slides.
The presentation includes at least 3 images.
 The presentation has a professional look with an overall graphical theme that appeals to the audience, compliments the information, and each slide is visually neat incorporating a variety of layouts.
 Student uses correct number of graphics that communicate and compliment information being shared.
 The presentation visually depicts material and appeals to audience.

 Did you use a different form to communicate to the group during your presentation other than simply screen reading?
 You used each slide as lead into the wealth of additional information you have on the topic.
 You maintained eye contact with group and modulated your voice in addition to your visual on-screen sharing.
 At conclusion of your sharing you checked for understanding via questions or oral quiz, etc.
 You utilized your allotted time effectively.

Technical Organization
 Followed all directions.
  Correctly titled presentation.
 An electronic form of your presentation has been emailed to the professor.
Total Points = 100
Content Writing 40
Content Technical 33
Communication 15
Technical Organization 12

Sunday, August 4, 2013

Assignment 1

You must write in complete sentences.
Responses for questions 2 and 8 should be between 3-5 sentences long.

1.  Create an acrostic poem using your first name. So what you are going to do is use each letter in your name to create an adjective that describes you or use each letter to write something you like to do.

Mr. Fierro's Example:

F - Funny
     I - Interesting
                         E - Enjoy watching sports
           R - Really like to
R - Read
                       O - Outstanding Blogger

2. What technologies do you use in your everyday life? Describe how and why you use the technologies you do.

3. The _____________ is a case that holds the computer's critical components.

4. A(n) ____________ is a specialized, single-user computer that typically has more power than a standard PC.

5. A(n) ____________ is usually a powerful personal computer that functions as the primary computer in a network.

6. _______________ are the most powerful computers made.

7. What does "PC" stand for?

8. Research how computers play a crucial part in nearly every government agency. Pick an agency and discuss how that agency uses computers and why computers make their jobs easier. Some examples of government agencies that use technology frequently are the U.S. Census Bureau, IRS, Military, and Police.

Introducing Computer Systems

Computer - A computer is an electronic device that processes data, converting it into information that is useful to people.

Computers can be categorized in several ways. For example, some computers are designed for use by one person, some are meant to be used by groups of people, and some are not used by people at all. They also can be categorized by their power, which means the speed at which they operate and the types of tasks they can handle. Within a single category, computers may be sub-categorized by price, the types of hardware they contain, the kinds of software they can run, and so on.

Personal Computers - A term that refers to any computer system that is designed for use by a single person.

Desktop Computer - The most common type of personal computer, designed to sit on (or under) a desk or table.

System Unit - The main component of a desktop PC, the case that houses the computer's critical parts, such as its processing and storage devices.

Workstation - A specialized, single-user computer that typically has more power and features than a standard desktop PC. These machines are popular among scientists, engineers, and animators who need a system with greater than average speed and the power to perform sophisticated tasks.

Notebook Computers - Or laptop computers, weigh less than 8 pounds and run on special batteries.

Tablet PC - Offer all the functionality of a notebook PC, but they are lighter and can accept input from a special pen called a stylus or a digital pen that is used to tap or write directly on the screen.

Handheld PC - Handheld personal computers are computing devices small enough to fit in your hand. A popular type of handheld computer is the personal digital assistant (PDA).

Smart Phones - A phone that doubles as a miniature PC. These phones offer advanced features not typically found in cellular phones, like internet access or email.

Network Servers, Mainframes, Minicomputers, and Supercomputers - are commonly used by organizations and support the computing needs of many users.

Network Server - is a powerful personal computer that is used as the central computer in an organization's network. In many companies, workers use their desktop systems to access a central shared computer.

Mainframes - are powerful, special-purpose computers that can support the needs of hundreds or thousands of users.

Minicomputers - support dozens or hundreds of users at one time.

Supercomputers - are the largest and most powerful computers made.